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Hi — I'm Victoria!

Who am I?


This question has always stumped me. I am so. many. things. But, ultimately how I answer this question is by saying, "I'm a soul activator." I am a Certified Kolbe Consultant and Team Specialist, Certified PSYCH-K Facilitator and I am obsessed with Human Design because it provides a roadmap to optimize our energetics making life WAAAY easier! 


Born and raised in Phoenix, Arizona. I'm a 4/1 Splenic Projector; daughter of a Manifesting Generator Mom and a Generator Dad. Sister of a Generator. Mom of two boys — Rhett who's 9, Generator, and Renner who's 6, Reflector, wife to the Arizona Deputy State Forester — John, another Generator. I am a full-time coach, a certified PSYCH-K facilitator, a Kolbe Certified Consultant and Team Specialist and Human Design enthusiast! I am OBSESSED with the subconscious mind and prefer easy, efficient healing. I am an owner of nine chickens and a dog named Winston! I am a witness to the magic that this life has to offer and I am here to help you discover your own being your biggest cheerleader! 


I use a combination between your Human Design and your Kolbe results as a roadmap to help you rediscover and reclaim your brilliance by understanding how you're naturally wired — both energetically and mentally. I blend modalities and healing techniques as well as conscious awareness tools to help you embody your unique design and fully actualize their fullest potential! 


I have been on my Human Design journey for nearly three years and have discovered so many magical insights along the way. My focus is to provide easy and practical strategies that help you break down barriers, operate in more ease, and bring more joy to your life and relationships. ​

Victoria Richardson

I help you activate you fulfill your life purpose by guiding you through understanding and embodying who you were meant to be and facilitating lasting subconscious change to upgrade your outdated or disempowering programming. This makes it easier to achieve your goals, desires and manifestations! 


I'm a lover of patios, amazing earrings, candles, writing poetry, seeing — and sharing — the magic in the world, human design, and connecting people to their authenticity and true power!


From helping you create highly-productive teams with Kolbe to subconscious reprogramming with PSYCH-K or a 1:1 Human Design reading, I help you discover your innate strengths and optimize your energy! I am your biggest cheerleader and help you create the life you desire! 

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